
Partial loads

Cooperation stages
Acording to the contract

Cooperation stages

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Sed suscipit arcu a felis condimentum, nec fermentum nisl gravidaa. Fusce posuere egestas tortor eget convallis.

In non luctus nisi

Praesent malesuada luctus consectetur. Aenean justo quam, condimentum sed volutpat ut, rhoncus et ligula. Fusce venenatis elementum congue.

In egestas varius pulvinar

Nam bibendum arcu et convallis iaculis. Maecenas venenatis in nulla a dictum.

Nunc vel vulputate mauris

Etiam ac tristique massa. In lacinia lacinia neque non euismod. Cras dignissim non lorem id dictum.

Quaranteed satisfaction

Benefits of working with us

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • In id eros lacinia, pretium arcu tristique
  • Pellentesque congue eros lobortis odio consectetur
  • In ultricies sem feugiat
  • Donec nisi nisi, euismod in ultrices id
  • Nulla a lorem sem
  • Suspendisse potenti
  • Sed ornare purus nibh


Do 3,5 tony DMC

Gross payload up to 1.5 tons, length up to 4.95 meters, height up to 2.5 meters. Available in tarpaulin or available too. Optionally, at the customer’s request, it is possible to organize a car with a lift.


Samochody ciężarowe

Loading capacity from 1.5 tons to 16 tons. Available in tarpaulin or rigid construction (cold store and isotherm). Optionally, at the customer’s request, it is possible to organize a car with a lift.


Plandeki, firanki – Mega, Zestawy

Payload up to 24 tons gross, length from 13.6 to 15.4 meters, height from 2.7 to 3.1 meters. Possibility to load up to 38 euro pallets and a cubature of up to 100 m3.


Chłodnie i izotermy

Payload up to 22.5 tons gross, length up to 13.6 meters, height from 2.5 to 2.65 meters. Temperature range from -22 ° C every + 30 ° C. Optionally, at the customer’s request: EURO pallets for exchange, thermograph prints on loading and unloading.


Platformy rozsuwane

Ładowność do 60ton, długość do 35m, wysokość maksymalna do 4,3m. Opcjonalnie na życzenie klienta przy większych gabarytach wycena indywidualna dla danego ładunku.

Office address

KMG KMLogistics K.Kuczur sp. z o. o. ul. Fordońska 246 85-766 Bydgoszcz, (piętro X)

Billing, invoices and payments

Additional data

KMG KMLogistics K.Kuczur sp. z o. o. ul. Fordońska 246 85-766 Bydgoszcz NIP: 5542970269
pełny kontakt